Laboratory and quality

Laboratory and quality

Lab services that have been made in CETEM in 2021 amounted to a total of 99, being divided into:


Laboratory of raw materials
Coatings and paintings 6
Boards 8
Foams 4
Polyols 2
Total Materials 20


Final product laboratory
Seatings (Chairs, armchairs, sofas and sofa-beds) 31
Updating of seating tests 20
Updating of furniture tests 4
Handrails 1
Mechanisms and fittings 2
Tables 3
Mattresses 1
Beds 6
Coffins 8
Pillows 1
Products inspection 2
Total 79

Quality label “Símbolo de Calidad”

CETEM has managed the annual monitoring of Quality Symbol in the companies that have the right to use this brand, and related laboratory tests in the products of these companies.

Promotional Activities

Promotional Activities of the Laboratory services in companies (tests, symbol of quality and implementation of management systems ISO 9000).

29 Companies

Consultant Activities

Consultant Activities from Associated Companies on issues related to the Laboratory.

93 Companies

Standardization activities

CETEM is a member of the Technical Committee of AENOR for furniture (AEN / CTN 11) as an expert in the habitat industry. The activities of this committee are the standardization of furniture, including terminology, characteristics and application of its components and accessories , minimum performance characteristics and test methods and specifications.